Building for tomorrow starts with an Apprentice!
Our industry needs apprentices in all roofing disciplines to replace our ageing workforce and ensure the future. We can make it easier for you by directing you to the right contacts.
There has never been a better time to offer apprenticeships, with one in five employers hiring more apprentices to help them through the current economic climate and one in five roofing contractors over 50 due to retire in the immediate future. Forecasts indicate that the industry also requires a further 550 roofing operatives in the next four years across the North West Region.
The age range for apprentices has been relaxed and it’s now possible to recruit an apprentice at any age.
Roofing apprenticeship training is developed in consultation with the industry, meaning an apprentice will learn the right skills for the job, combining attendance and practical experience in specially constructed Roofing Workshops with on-the-job-training.
Bolton College, Preston College, Simian Warrington, and Skills Construction Centre, Kirkham, all offer roof slating/tiling apprenticeships which lead to an NVQ2 qualification. Simian Warrington also offer the NVQ2 Waterproof Membrane Installer apprenticeship, with Langley Waterproofing staff assisting with the practical aspect of the training.